Friday, June 25, 2010

I smell like a nursing home, and other updates.

The nursing home smell is thanks to this amazing product. There is no room in my budget for massages right now, so I rely on Icy Hot to deal with my stiff knees and shoulders, and it generally gets the job done. Well worth the persistent nursing home smell. My official marathon training (ie: my training with the Annapolis Striders) starts this weekend, so I really amped up my gym time this week, and I am feeling it. Highlights included doing walking lunges and squats over the Easport bridge (to the amusement of morning commuters) and having a Group Power sub pull out an older release which was truly punishing on the back and shoulders. Today is rest day, for which I am very grateful.

A few things happened on the fundraising front this week. I sent out a mass email to my family and friends which inadvertantly got forwarded to all of Loyola. The problem with this is that, it being my personal message, I didn't say much about my fundraising partner Katie. Fortunately, she was cool about it and even more fortunately, the donations started rolling in! In less than 24 hours, my total went from $285 to $645, which makes my goal of $2500 feel a bit less impossible. Thanks, everyone!

In a less happy accident, I got a package today containing 250 business cards I had made to help Katie and I promote our efforts. When I took them out, I realized that I misspelled, of all words, "scholarship." D'oh! That's what happens when you spend so much time tweaking a proof that you stop really reading it.

Finally, I went to a memorial mass tonight marking the anniversary of Kelly and Sloane's deaths. It was a beautiful service, featuring some of Kelly's daughters reading and singing, and Kelly's husband Sean speaking. They are a remarkably resilient family. Fr. Kevin Gillespie from Loyola also spoke and he talked about all of the wonderful things that have been born out of this tragedy, including that very scholarship fund that Katie and I are supporting with our race. Loyola has already raised more than $50,000 and they will announce the first recipients soon. So, please know that your donations are going to help some very deserving students.

Okay, time for bed- 10 miles tomorrow morning!

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