Thursday, June 17, 2010

FREEDOM! (and other news)

My spring class ended on April 28th. My internship at the Wendt Center ended on May 5th. Yesterday was the last day of my 5-week summer class. So, for the next 2 1/2 months, my only regular obligations are my 35 hour/week job and my 4 hour/week volunteer gig at the Wendt Center. Add it up- that's the schedule of a normal working adult. I haven't had anything close to that since the summer of '08. Woo-hoo!

I would say that I don't know what I'm going to do with myself, but I think we all know what I'm going to do: run a marathon. In some ways, I feel like I already have. To give just one example of the craziness that was my life this past year, here is what I did on every Wednesday from September-May: 6am class at the gym, followed by drive to my office in DC, followed by Metro trip to the Wendt Center in NW for morning of meetings, followed by Metro trip back to my office, followed by afternoon of work, follwed by drive to Columbia for class, followed by class, followed by drive home (normal arrival time: 10pm). Then, I would go to sleep and rest up for an 8:30am-9pm day on Thursday. That's only one day of each week and the other 6 weren't much better. I strongly suspect that running 26.2 miles will not be as exhausting as that schedule. I am so grateful that I made it and that I have some time off now!

In other news, I went shoe shopping last night and bought the sneakers pictured above and a pair of extra-comfortable sandals. I also went to Road Runner Sports in Columbia (, an excellent store devoted entirely to running, and picked up some more running shorts and socks. This shopping trip is proof of one of the many ways running has changed my life: I've always had a weakness for clothes, but I never thought that "moisture wicking" would become an essential quality in the garments I buy. I've also never been a believer in adults wearing sneakers outside the gym. My feet, however, have decided that I punish them enough at the gym and they are no longer okay with being further punished by fancy shoes. So, welcome home Pumas!

Also, I woke up this morning at 5:30am and just could not drag myself to the gym. I went back to sleep, missing my boot camp class, and then woke up at 7am filled with regret. I will try to remember this when the alarm goes off at 5:30 tomorrow- as hard as it is to get up that early, I always feel worse when I don't.

Finally, the weather report is predicting that I will run another miserably hot and humid 10K this weekend (Annapolis Striders' Father's Day 10K). Joy. I'm trying to remember that its all important practice for the long, hot training runs starting soon. Wish me luck!

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