Monday, June 21, 2010

Another hot one: Father's Day 10K

Yesterday, I ran the slightly-less-miserable-than-expected Father's Day 10K with the Annapolis Striders. Given the forecast, I was expecting a repeat of the Zooma weather. Thankfully, the really intense heat held off until the last part of the race and the course was much shadier and flatter than the Zooma course. It was still a struggle, though. I am so thankful for my running buddy, Val. Even when we aren't vocally complaining, I know that we both push it harder when we run together. I definitely would have walked a bit yesterday if she hadn't been there. Instead, I finished 5 minutes faster than my Zooma time.

After the race, I celebrated Father's Day and my nephew's 10th birthday with my parents and siblings. They pretty much epitomized the card above. To hear my brother-in-law talk about it, you would think that my 1:07 10K qualified me for the Olympics. They were also kind enough not to get annoyed that I spend most of the party crashed on the couch watching the US Open with my sister-in-law's father. I don't know much about golf, but I know that a couch and air conditioning felt awesome after running through the heat!

In other news:

Friday, I met my friend Emma for lunch at one of my favorite DC restaurants, Commonwealth Gastropub (, which features local and sustainable British pub food. Around 1:30, I ate their delicious grass-fed beef burger and some mashed potatoes. At 6:30, I met another friend at another pub for dinner and I wasn't hungry. This is unprecedented. So, I think the meat experiment might be working.

This coming Saturday is the first official long run of my marathon training. 10 miles. It feels pretty daunting at the moment, and I know I need to step up my midweek mileage to get ready. In an odd coincidence, Saturday is also the first anniversary of Dr. Murray's death. So, there's all the motivation I need to get moving. If her husband and children can endure this past year, I can certainly endure a couple hours of sweating.

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