Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Choose your pun.

There are two options to cover the past few days:

1) Blowin' in the Wind: That about sums up this past Saturday's 12-mile run with the Striders' half-marathon training group. In case you were wondering what its like to run into 50mph winds, the answer is hard and a little frustrating. On the flipside, running with 50mph winds at your back is easy, but a little scary. I was actually worried about being blown over once or twice. Pretty amazing. This run was also challenging because I had not done a long run in a couple weeks. I was very grateful for Sunday afternoon's yoga class, which stretched my legs back to normal after a day and a half of tightness.

2) Pain in the Neck: This morning, I either pulled a muscle or pinched a nerve in my neck. At this point, you are probably expecting me to say that I did this while lifting weights, doing yoga, or engaged in some other strenuous activity. Sadly, that is not the case. I did it... washing my hair. That's right. I was shampooing my hair this morning when I apparently pushed my neck too far in the wrong direction and experienced some kind of pop/snap followed by intense pain. Thanks to my marathon training experience, I own a pharmacy's worth of prescription and non-prescription remedies for muscle problems, so I've been experimenting with them all day. Thus far, Advil + topical gel the doctor gave me for tendonitis + ice= some relief. It definitely feels better than it did this morning. Still, I don't know what my prospects are for the rest of the week's planned activities. Boo.  

So, I'm headed home now to apply some more ice and engage in activities that do not involve looking to the left. Shampoo carefully, friends!

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