Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Is there a card for this?

Yesterday afternoon, I arrived home from DJ'ing my friend Mindy's fabulous wedding to realize that I had reached a milestone of my own: the 1st anniversary of this blog! I posted my very first blog entry on May 10, 2010. This illustrious occasion clearly calls for some sentimental musings.

People have been telling me that I should write a blog pretty much since blogs began. I agreed, but two things held me back: (1) I didn't know what to write about, and (2) I didn't think I could keep it up. I have loved writing ever since I was a little kid, but I have always struggled with focus and direction. In my opinion, my two biggest successes as a writer prior to this blog were a column I wrote in my college newspaper and my sermons. The column and the sermons have two very important things in common: a clear topic/structure and a deadline. In neither case do I have to re-invent the wheel every time I sit down to write, and I can't just tweak them endlessly and never finish. In the past, whenever people told me I should write a blog, I worried that a blog was just too open-ended for me. The freedom of it was paralyzing.

If you had told me as recently as 18 months ago that the thing that would finally motivate me to start a blog would be running, I never would have believed you. Yet, I think the theme of my adult life has been "expect the unexpected," so this seems appropriate. Running the marathon as a fundraiser for Kelly gave me exactly what I always needed to write a blog: a clear focus and a good reason to keep my posts regular and timely. In the beginning, I wrote because it was part of my fundraising process and I found it way easier to share the details of my training than to just ask people for money point-blank.

Pretty soon, though, my motivation shifted. I truly enjoy writing this blog, and I find the response to it consistently amazing. Some of my friends might be surprised to hear it, but I am at heart a very shy person, and I'm always a little surprised when people notice me. Thus, even after a year, I am still caught short every time some random person from my life (an old college acquaintance, someone from the gym, a person from church, etc.) approaches me and says something about this blog. I am also deeply touched by how many people have emerged from every nook and cranny of my life to offer support and advice regarding my athletic endeavors. I can't tell you how many times I have drawn on that support in more difficult moments.

So, on this 1st blog-iversary, I say a heartfelt thank you to all of my readers. I look forward to sharing this next year's adventures with you!


  1. happy birthday blog! I'm glad you're doing this, Alicia!

  2. Thanks, Hannah! You were one of those people who always said I should write a blog. Really, when have you ever been wrong?

  3. I can't believe it's been a year either! I think there should definitely be a card for blog anniversaries...jump on that!


Your comments are welcome, but please keep in mind that my profs, classmates, colleagues, and church friends may be reading and keep it appropriate. Thanks!