Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dispatches from Staycation, #3 (the End)

I have a very exciting post-staycation story to tell later today. Before that, though, I want to report on the final results of my staycation. Here are a few photos from some of the big projects:

New bedding for my room. I also fixed my bed, replaced my broken TV, and moved all my school stuff to my office.
New shelf for the kitchen. Everthing on here had been on the refrigerator, the main table, a smaller table, and the floor. This is much better.

New tray for the kitchen table, replacing a faded wicked tray I had for the past few years.

Re-organized shelves (the brown ones) and a new shelf. These contain all of my grad school books and many photo albums. The two boxes of photos on the top used to be four boxes. I still need to purge things from those magazine holders.
Still in progress: finding some way to organize/display these three boxes full of random memorabilia.

Re-organized shelf of academic work (some of it going back to high school!). Some of these binders are newly added, including my last semester at Loyla and random things like my grad school applications.

On Friday and Saturday, I had to devote most of my time to writing my sermon (see previous post), resisting the temptations of unfidnished staycation projects and this very engaging book (The Secret History by Donna Tartt). It was challenging.

All in all, a productive week. There are still a few projects to be done, but I do feel much better coming home everyday to a neater and more organized home. My marathon and tri training continued during staycation week as well, so I'll write a training update soon!


  1. It looks great, and boy does it feel great when you get stuff in order. Looking forward to doing that soon post-move.

  2. Jen- In my entire working life, I've only taken a whole week off two times, and both of them were to do stuff to the house. This is what homeownership does to single people. :)(Its still great, though.)


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