Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Cardio vs. Christmas cookies: Weight Watchers update #2

This morning was weigh-in #3 since the Weight Watchers changeover and I am down another pound! I think this is the first time in two years that I've actually lost three weeks in a row. For awhile now, I've been in a pattern of lose one pound, lose another pound, then gain three. This new system really works!

The fact that I lost at all this week is a Christmas miracle, because I've entered the portion of the holidays which I like to call "cookie sweatshop." Its time to put together all of my recession-Christmas homemade gifts, and most of those are baked goods. Not only do I have zero willpower around said baked goods, I won't let myself give anything away without tasting it first. (Once, I made a beautiful cheesecake for Thanksgiving, only to cut the first slice and realize that I forgot the sugar- lesson learned!)

In the past, cookie sweatshop week was a total free-for-all in terms of eating and I just dealt with the consequences in January. This year, under the new WW regimen, I've been able to approach it in a slightly more sane manner. I think the new system is a bit more flexible- mainly because I have more free points and activity points to work with. Also, knowing that I'm tracking everything helps me stop after the first or second cookie. Finally, I've really cranked up the cardio to help balance things out- I've added an extra spin class to my weekly schedule and I've done a couple of longer races over the past few weeks. Last week, I earned 60 activity points, which is the equivalent of more than two days' food for me. Looking at that total, I couldn't decide which was the more impressive feat- that I did enough exercise to earn those points, or that I ate every single one of them and then some!

Okay, I'm off to bake another batch of cookies and go to bed early. Thursday is 6am boot camp day, and the last two weeks have been so hard that I very nearly cried. Its easier to be tough on a full night's sleep! Goodnight!

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