Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The end of Lent and the beginning of vacation!

For those who don't know, this past Sunday was Easter, aka: the end of Lent. So, naturally, the question on everyone's mind is "How did you do with your Lenten resolutions?" Here is the final report:

On resolution #1, exercise every day, I did okay. I did not succeed in working out every day, but I made 30 out of 40 days. This was a major improvement over the beginning of the year. In January and February, I had several weeks where I only worked out 3 times (which is below average for me). Once Lent started, I never went below 4 times, I got to 5 times twice, and I worked out all 7 days one week. Even better, I got back in the pool and started swimming again- something I had been putting off for months. I am happy to report that my return to swimming is going better than I expected and I'm grateful to this resolution for pushing me back to it.

On resolution #2, track my food every day, I did better. I am a pretty typical long-time Weight Watchers member in that I know tracking is a key to reaching my goals, but I have a hard time staying motivated to do it. Tracking is something I had been really slacking on for several months, and my numbers on the scale showed it. Fortunately, this goal turned out to be a real motivation boost. My WW data only goes back 4 weeks, but I know that I tracked for 23 of the past 28 days. I didn't see a huge result on the scale, but I feel like I've made tracking a habit again and that can only lead to good things.

All in all, I feel pretty good about this Lent. From the start of my new job in December until Lent started, I felt like I was slipping out of my healthy habits. Now, I feel like I have some traction again. Just in time, too, because Andrew and I are going on vacation! We are off to London for 1 week, where I will try my hardest to match my worst vacation habit (overeating) with my best vacation habit (I like working out in new places). I'll let you know how it goes!

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